tree berry (Vitex agnus-castus): This
herb is known to stimulates the release
of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland
in the brain. This, in turn, promotes ovulation. Chaste tree berry may
restore normal periods in women with amenorrhea (lack of menstrual
quai (Angelica sinensis): Widely
used for female complaints, including menstrual irregularities and
infertility, dong quai can tone a weak uterus by promoting metabolism
within the organ,12
hormonal control and improving the rhythm of the menstrual cycle.13
red clover blossoms (Trifolium pratense):
These beautiful little flowers are categorized in many herbals as
fertility promoters. Chemical analysis shows that the herb is rich in
coumestans and isoflavones, estrogenlike compounds that may promote
fertility, particularly in women who are deficient in estrogen.14
Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra): This
plant contains hormonally active compounds categorized as saponins.15
A Japanese study found licorice-based medicines improved
menstruation in women with infrequent periods.
The study also found that licorice helped women with elevated
testosterone and low estrogen levels, as commonly occurs in polycystic
ovary disease.16
ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus):
This and other tonic botanicals can improve fertility by enhancing
overall health and vitality. Siberian ginseng also acts on the brain
to promote regulation of reproductive hormones.17
Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus):The
leaves contain high concentrations of several vitamins and
minerals because of the plant's secondary
compounds. This plant has been shown to play a major role in
strengthening the uterine wall. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are present in
large amounts as well as Vitamin A and some B Complex. Increased
Vitamin A intake in the form of the carotenoids of red raspberry leaf
can aid the women’s immune system as well as facilitate
healthy skin
and bone development for the baby.
Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa):Research
indicates that this herb has been shown to aid in balancing
hormonal conditions in the female body. As
for painful menstruation, the herb lessens discomfort by increasing
blood flow to the uterus and decreasing severe contractions that cause
the discomfort.
good is Ovulex™? Just read what our satisfied customers say
wanted to let the whole world and you know that after only taking
Ovulex™ for 1 month, I finally got pregnant. I've
been trying to conceive since last year, but was having infertility
issues. I was diagnosed with cancer in March of 2002, two
weeks after having my third child. I have three
boys. I've always wanted 4 children, but never thought I
would go through what I went through with the cancer (Hodgkin's
Lymphoma). I had 4 surgeries, 6 months of chemo (12 rounds)
and 23 radiation treatments. I wasn't aware of the
possibility of the treatments causing infertility, but it
did. I was devastated, because I wanted one more
child. I was very thankful that I was able to have the three
that I have before this happened. I was determined to
overcome this infertility battle. I took 3 rounds of Clomid
and it didn't work. I considered IUI and IVF, but was uneasy
about the whole process. I did lots of praying and positive
thinking, that everything was going to be fine. It's been a
long 2 years, but it finally happened when I discovered
Ovulex™! Thank you so much for giving us a chance- A lil'
miracle from God."
Sherry Hollingsworth
husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for over 2
years. We have one child and wanted another. After
2 years of nothing we started seeing an infertility
"specialist". After running many tests he informed us that I
was close to entering pre-menopause, an early onset of
menopause. (I'm only 35.) He then informed us that we only
had a 3% chance of having a baby the natural way and that we should
seriously consider in-vitro fertilization. Then I started to
do some research on the internet. When I first read about
Ovulex™ I was a little hesitant. When you read
things on the internet part of you isn't always sure that they're true,
because they sound so unbelievable. But the more I read, the
more I became fascinated by Ovulex™. So I bought
some. Well, I'm 7 weeks pregnant and that was my first month
on Ovulex™. My husband and I couldn't believe
it. We're so excited! And our son is thrilled to have a baby
brother or sister on the way. I know that this is one of
those stories that most people will read and not believe, but trust me,
it's true. And the best part was showing the "specialist" our
test result. I've told all my friends about
Ovulex™. What a terrific product. Trust
me, it works! Thank you Ovulex™!"
Whom It May Concern, my name is Kristin and I've been trying to get
pregnant for one year. I've gone through IUI and In Vitro
several times without success. My husband was researching the
net one day and saw your website and ordered
Ovulex™. He insisted that I take it even though I
was very skeptical. I started taking it one week before my
ovulation and I became pregnant. Your product is
miraculous. After my positive pregnancy test I wasn't still
sure If Ovulex™ did it for me. However I
recommended it to a friend who is in her mid forties and had done 3 IUI
and 4 IVFS without success. She called me today to let me
know that she was pregnant after 3 weeks on
Ovulex™. God bless you for this amazing
product. I'm your biggest advocate. Thank you
Kristin Carey
Ovulex Has Been
Featured On These Great

and Answers about Ovulex™
Q: How
Does Ovulex™ Work?
A: The blend of botanicals that make up Ovulex™ is the result
of the international research of multiple universities, scientists and
doctors over the past two decades. The ingredients in Ovulex™
have been demonstrated through innumerable documented studies to
effectively and safely bring balance to most women's hormones and help
normalize menstrual cycles, as well as the accompanying side effects of
PMS, as effectively and safely, and usually more safely, than
prescription hormone therapies (meaning, without the common negative
side effects of chemical drug therapies). This balance is essential to
increasing your chances of becoming pregnant. Ovulex™ does
not over stimulate your ovaries to release multiple ova (eggs)
throughout your cycle, or multiple times during your cycle. For many
women, infertility is due to a shortened or irregular menstrual cycle.
The ingredients in Ovulex™ have a specific action which
allows for a longer ovulation period, giving you a greater opportunity
to conceive.
Q: How
Do I Take Ovulex™?
A: To reach optimal results with Ovulex™, we suggest that you
take one pill at the same time twice a day, no more than 12 hours apart
or as set by a health care practitioner. Continue taking
Ovulex™ through your entire cycle, even while you are
menstruating. The Ovulex™ plan can be started at any point in
your cycle, but it does take 2 -4 weeks to become fully effective.
Q: Can
I Take Ovulex™ With Other Medications?
A: The Office of Dietary Supplements, Food and Drug Administration,
suggests you "check with your health care providers before taking a
supplement, especially when combining or substituting them with other
foods or medicine."
Q: Is
Ovulex™ Shipped Discreetly?
A: Yes, Ovulex™ is shipped in an unmarked box.
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